
by Jacco van Weert

Experience with the Galaxy PBeM game is needed to fully understand the guide, you should also read the Galaxy beginners guide (by Greg Lindahl) and the Ship design guide (by Howard Bampton)

0: Introduction

Why this guide?

I played several games, and I experienced that a lot of players just aren't aware of the military basics. And I hope that more people will play Galaxy.... BECAUSE IT'S FUN....

Is this the all-out winning strategy?

Of course not, there are a lot of strategies and most likely there are even better onces. It all depends on the situation. All I can say is that _until now_ I never lost a Galaxy game using this strategy =).

Of course now this will change.....:(((.... WHHHAA!!.. "They gonna hunt me down!!!" Hmmmm :(... update (15-Mar-96)... the strategy guide surely did it's job. I now can say that I _have_ lost some games ;-(

1: Military organisation


Galaxy is a wargame and should be treated as such. The most important thing is to divide the different area's into ZOC's (Zones Of Controls). At the beginning your ZOC is of course very small, but the trick is to expand your ZOC as soon as possible. ZOC's should be splitted into several smaller ones as soon as they are becoming to large. Example:

			*1			*2



		*5					*6


		*8				*9

   <------------------------xx Ly---------------------------->

When we define 1 ZOC the central planet is #7 and could function as HQ and reserve depot. However this area is hard to defend when attacked from several sides. Therefore it's better to split the ZOC in 2 ZOC's.

ZOC 1: Covering planets 3,1,5 & 8
ZOC 2: Covering planets 4,2,6 & 9
Planet 7 should be the HQ of both ZOC's.

Of course when your Drive Tech increases the ZOC's are decreasing.

Military structure

I consider the use of forts obsolete and this should be avoided at all costs. The military structure should be flexible and dynamical at all positions. I normally use the following military structure;

			Player ;-)
			  |			   |
			  |			Cargo fleets (not covered).
	|		|		|			|
      Army	      PanzerArmy      ExpeditionalArmy	     Passive Reserve
			PanzerArmy / Army
		|		|		|
	     1st Corps	      HQ Corps	      2nd Corps

1st and 2nd Corps could consist out of 1 of more Divisions all depending or their ZOC coverage. The 1st Corps normally covers the Northern/Eastern part and the 2nd Corps the Southern/Western. Depending on the layout of the ZOC's the coverage could change, in worst case when cut-off from the other armies it should from a Hedge-position.

The HQ-Corps act's as reserve and rebuild corps, when a division is heavly damaged it's send back to the HQ-Corps were it's refitted and reinforced. The HQ-Corps can also contain several special forces units, e.g. small Divisions and special 'Fort-busters' and other goodies, all depending of the position of the (Panzer) army...and it's ....TAM-TAM-TAM..TATAAA!!!...(dark voice) "mission".

Important is the fact that a PanzerArmy is self-supporting and can therefore perform long campaigns on it's own.

		|		|		:
		|		|		:
	    E-Division	      E-Division     ........
	    (see Division)

E-Division a fast division, normally ships with drives 50% of their mass.

		|		|		:
		|		|		:
	     Division	      Division	    .........
	|	|	|	|	|	|

Division, the layout of an fully equiped division, of course most of the time the division is way under strength due to battle or minor front importance. And furthermore in the early stages of the game a Division could be much smaller.

All units in the Division should have more or the less the same speed, except for the Deflectors, their speed should be higher because they are the first to go in a battle and should be reenforced from the Army's reserves.

2: Tales from the battlefield
Galaxy Elric: The FORMOS Offensive
*** Early stage offensive ***

Instead of given huge piles of dry military attack and defend examples I now describe a few examples extracted from real galaxy games. Of course the analyse is from my point of view, and is as accurate as far as I can see it. When people who know more are reading this text, please let me know in case of any errors. I will be covering succesfull offensives, but also the ones that weren't so succesfull :(...


Galaxy Elric was my first Galaxy game playing the Zargons, 26 players, map size 120x120. Map of the Battlefield (not on scale, handmade :(

0								 50
	^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Republic Of Avalon area



       z3          z4(HP)                                 o
       *           *                                    o







              o13       o14       +f12              o    o


           \/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/ Daernyithi area

The involved forces


Already in the first turns on the game FORMOS had captured f9 and f8 from the Eatworms in one single blow. A very cunning move and it make the galaxy tremble. Because it was my first game I was very afraid FORMOS would push further to the north. So an agreement was signed that FORMOS would not go futher north than planet 7.

FORMOS captured the planets f11 and f12, after this f9 and f8 where colonized. Especially f8 was the moment to keep an more closely eye on the FORMOS. At the same time suddenly the FORMOS Techlevels increased at alarming rate. I suspect that FORMOS was preparing for an offensive.

The ZOC's


Because it was my first game my first ship design was a complete disaster, a mass 49 ship with speed 8 (Ruyter).... much too slow. In this stage of the game 2 ZOC's where defined;

You see the Zargon frontlines where very lightly defended. The OrionBelt was even better defended because this was the logical place where the FORMOS could strike.



PHASE 1: Recce and the FORMOS attack

At the Zargon Homeplanet drones where build to probe the FORMOS planets. At the same time when the probing took place, a FORMOS division attacked planet 7, from planet f8. Because of the tense situation I already send the OrionBelt Division to that planet. This battle was won by the OrionBelt Division, the FORMOS losses where however low. The most important result was the fact that it was now absolutly neccessary to quickyl start the offensive because FORMOS started the war. Later on I understood that the FORMOS attack was in fact a mistake. Diplomatic negotiations where going on, but my mind was already made up.

PHASE 2: The directives for the offensive

The drones showed that the FORMOS homeplanet(f10) was not that well defended. However the report of planet f8 was the reason of some panic at the Zargon military staff. At that planet a mass 300-400 battlestation was stationed, at this stage it could withstand everything I could throw at it.

The Directives

PHASE 3: The start of the offensive

The 2nd-ShockStarDivision was send to planet f10 and captured it. Daernyithi was aware of the attack and reacted by sending deflector support for the FORMOS, how they arrived one turn too late and by that time peace between Zargon and Daernyithi was declared.

PHASE 4: Huge blunder of the Zargons

I made a stupid mistake when I forgot to probe planet f8, so I didn't know if the FORMOS battlestation was still there. At the same time I saw on the map a '-' which I thought was the BS moving towards the FORMOS HomePlanet to recapture it. I totally draw the wrong conclusion and sended the OrionBelt division to planet f8. KABOOM!!!... (dark voice) "The battlestation was still there".

At the same time a high-shield Zargonian ship attacked f9 but was blown to pieces. However it did quite some damage and managed to further pin down more FORMOS forces.

PHASE 5: Spitsroeden lopen

Now the situation was bad, when FORMOS would send the BS through the OrionBelt to the Zargon core-planets, there was nothing to stop it. The 2nd-ShockStarDivision was send to planet f8 to eliminate the BS. At the same the Zargonian factories produced a new OrionBelt Division which was stationed at planet 5. After fierce fighting at planet f8 the BS and other FORMOS structures where destroyed.

PHASE 6: Drive through

The 2nd-ShockStarDivision now was send to f9, and that concluded the FORMOS offensive. The last two FORMOS planets in the south weren't a threat. I made the mistake to boast this victory by using global messages, this scared the other races and quickly an Anti-Zargon-Club was formed. The Zargons were of course still allied with Avalon and Daernythi was slowly becoming also an ally. It was important to hold the captured planets, so the FORMOS offensive was followed by the ZEF-action

PHASE 7: ZEF-action Prelude

The ex-FORMOS planets formed a new ZOC, and the 2nd-ShockStarDivision was controlling it. However to keep the neighbours out, the frontline had to be set outside this new ZOC. Therefore the Expeditional Army was build, two ZEF-Divisions (Zargon Expeditional Force) where build (Main ships only mass 49). The first was send to the outer OrionBelt perimeter and the second far far south to a planet (ZEF) just between the Daernythi and Gobi empire. Before that probes and especially armed probes where send to the new neighbours to keep them something to think about and to keep them from attacking me.

Galaxy military strategy guide: PART 3
Galaxy Elric: Zargon Expeditional Force (ZEF)

This chapter covers an example of an expeditional force in the Galaxy game. Expeditional forces are especially in the early stages of the game very effective. In fact this whole strategy is ment as an 'Blitzkrieg', the elric game was decided before turn 40.

At the moment when I am writing this chapter I just suffered the loss of a whole PanzerArmy in the Galaxy paradis game. This mainly because the game is at turn 50 and there are huge armies flying around. I forgotten to switch up to an extended organisation. More about this in the chapter The defeat of the Panzer and the chapter The new PanzerArmies in the middle-game in which the extended structure of the PanzerArmies will be covered.

Situation after the FORMOS-offensive

On the map only the main-races ZOC's are displayed, with some main planets.

0							     60
			  *	  |
			     *	  |
				* |
	Zargon			  /
			    *  /
    *			   ---/
----\		   *	  /


			   /	    |
------------------\   ----/	   /
	   	   \ /		  /
		   |3|		 /
Daernithy	   |+|	Gobi	/
		   / /	       /
		  / /	      /	    Triffids
		 / /	     |		
		/ /	  /-/	    +2
	--------  |	 /
-------/	  |	/
		  |	|		+4
		  |	|

The Daernithy and Gobi area's are rich on planets. Especially the Gobi area was full of planets. On the right side of Gobi the Triffids are located. They didn't own that many planets but planet #1 and #2 were captured homeplanets.

Diplomatic situation

As said the relation towards Daernithy was getting better all the time. Because right after the FORMOS-offensive I send some armed probes to some Gobi planets it kept the relation quite tense, Gobi returned the favour but in the end everything calmed down. In one of my foolish senses for dramatics I offered FORMOS the hide-out planet #1, well the next turn this message was globalized and I got hammered on my head by the Triffids who rightfully owned the planet. To make a long story short, the relation with the Triffids was not quite good.

The ZEF sets sail

The whole ZEF consist out of two E-Divisions. One was stationed in the north and played only a minor role in the initial ZEF-action, the other however was the key E-Division. At the start this E-Division consist out of 1 MG (m=49) 1 ADG (m=49) and a number of D's. Because there was no time for extensive gathering of the forces a SG (m=about 70) was already send forward to claim a standoff planet.

The standoff planet

A standoff planet is very important for a E-Div it will function as hide-out place. After a search the unhabited small planet 3 was found. The SG was send to it quickly followed by the rest of the E-Div. From planet 3 the whole Gobi area could be covered and further more there was a Gobi drone placed at planet 3. This was quite handy because of the known ZEF-presence Gobi had to cover all their planets. Furthermore from planet 3 the southern Triffid area was well in range.

The Triffid operation

The Zargon - Triffids war was mainly fought by global messages. I think the whole thing was quite funny.... stories where covering talking plants, O.J. Simpson trails , kidnapped girls, mental institutes for Triffids...etc..etc....

BTW: Why are there no more funny stories anymore??, the whole Elric game was one big global message feast.

The whole thing ended with incoming probes from both sides and a war was at hand. Planet #1 shouldn't be much of a problem because it was far away from the Triffid homeland. The planet #1 area was covered by the Alpheus-Corps which consist out of 2 divisions;

The Borm-Division would attack planet #1 and thereafter swing to the south. The 2 SSD would act as follow up fleet, in other words it will hold planet #1, if the Borm-Div would fail it would act as a firstline defence.

The adventure in the operation was performed by the ZEF. The ZEF would start from their stand-off planet one turn before the attack on planet #1 started. This to create the fog of war. Planet #2 (homeplanet) was the target, planet #4 as possible extension, further south the Triffid homeplanet was situated, but this was not the goal.

The outcome

Planet #1 was captured as planned and the Borm-Division was send to the south. At the same moment the ZEF was heading for planet #2. The Triffids knew their forces were incapable of withstanding the ZEF and retreated their forces back to planet #4 and futher south. At the time planet #1 and #2 were captured the diplomatic channels were again running at high speed.


The Triffid military operation was over, not of course the global message war ;-). East of Planet #1 the strong Chodish empire was situated, they made it quite clear that the Zargons were only allowed to colonize planet #1 at low COL level. Furthermore I *thought* I could colonize planet #3 but, GOTCHA, Gobi suddenly colonized the planet instead of me. Gobi had promised to the Triffids their help and so they did, as soon as the Triffids were recovered they could recolonize it. This left me with virtually nothing, however the Chodish were at that time also performing a southern military operation. Quickly a part of the ZEF was send to that area, at this moment a deal was made, Zargon could develop the important planet #1 in return the ZEF was pulled back to their operative area.

Elric: The final push

The situation

After the Triffid-offensive the frontline was very strangly shaped. It was clear that such a frontline never could withstand a solid attack. But the main goal was reach. The Gobi empire was cut off from the eastern empires.

The Map

Planets divided to my knowledge and guessing.

* = Zargon planets
@ = Avalon planets
# = Daernyithi planets
! = Gobi planets
? = minor empire planets
$ = Triffids planets
% = Nebbish planets
& = Chodish planets
D = Dust planets
E = Eudaimons planets

0,0									   120,0
       @	 @		 %     %
				     %				    %	       %
 @			   @			 %    %
	 *						 EE	    E
			    @			 %    E
	 *						E
	  *			@			      	     E
					    &	       E      	 E     E
   *	 *		      *@					      E
		        *		&& 
		 	   *		       &	  D
					   &				   D
		     	*			  &	    D	  D    D
    *		    							       D
		 *				&
		    	    	 *(3)	    &
		        	    !	     &&
	       #				    &
       #     #	 #     !!         !		   &		 D
		    *(2)	   !	       &	 P
      # 		   !!		  &
    #	 #      	  !   ! 			   P	     P
#		 #     !			?
    #	#	    !		    !(1)
	   #					      ?
						       ?     P	 P
	 #				 $		?	    P	 P
     !	  !    ?				     ?
  ?   ? 	       !	       $
	 ?					    ?	     P		P
	  ?					      ?
0,120									 120,120

(1) = This was the planet which was captured by Gobi under the eyes of the Zargon strike force. In principle were the Zargons on that planet much stronger so this planet could also being seen as a Standoff planet.

Therefore it's clear that Gobi's position was very weak, Zargon positions were taken at (1), (2) and (3), creating a perfect triangle from which any important Gobi planet could be reached.

The Gobi-offensive

It was clear that it was just a matter of time until the eastern empire's would ally and attack. Gobi would most likely join this alliance so a quick offensive was neccesary. Gobi had made the mistake by letting Daernyithi placing his drones all over Gobi planets, at this stage Daernyithi was closely allied with the Zargon and the Republic of Avalon.

The preperations

The positions of the Gobi forces were known, Gobi forces were concentrated on two positions (1) and (2). Alltough Gobi was a strong in P/I numbers their planets were not fully developed. Most of the time it's better to develope the planets one by one so that the planets will become effective faster. Gobi occupied a large area but hadn't got the forces to keep it.

In the meantime a tension was created between Zargon and Gobi about planet (3). Large Zargon forces were send to this planet to annoy Gobi. In the end Gobi demanded that the Zargon forces would leave planet (3). Zargon agreed and retreated the forces.... but not really..... in fact I was hoping to bound as many as possible Gobi forces in the planet (3) region. The Zargon force was send to planet (4) from which the attack was planned.

At the start of the offensive the forces were divided as follows;

Daernyithi forces would strike from their home-planets south and at the Gobi-stronghold (2). Zargon forces:

Foxbat	      1.0   1	2.0   1.0   0

These ships (together with light Deflector support) were strong enough to capture the lightly defended Gobi planets.

		    	    	 *(5)	    &
		        	    !	     &&
	       #				    &
       #     #	 #     !!         !		   &		 D
		    *(4)	   !	       &	 P
      # 		   !!		  &
    #	 #      	  !   ! 			   P	     P
#		 #     !(2)			?
    #	#	    !		    !(3)
	   #					      ?
						       ?     P	 P
	 #				 $		?	    P	 P
	 (5) !
     !	  !    ?				     ?
  ?   ? 	       !(1)	       $
	 ?					    ?	     P		P
	  ?					      ?
0,120									 120,120

The Gobi-attack starts

Allready after the first turn of the attack the Gobi defence was shattered. Stronghold (2) was captured together with all the planets in the north. Only the southern offensive arm of Daernyithi (5) was stranded. The complete ZEF-Corps was therefore sended to the (5) region to solve the situation there. Daernyithi was attacking and captured stronghold (1). In three turns the offensive was ended.

The Grande finale

After the Gobi offensive everybody prepared themselves for the final battle.

The Map

* = Zargon planets
@ = Avalon planets
# = Daernyithi planets
! = Gobi planets
? = minor empire planets
$ = Triffids planets
% = Nebbish planets
& = Chodish planets
D = Dust planets
E = Eudaimons planets
o = empty planets

0,0									   120,0
       @	 @		 %  (7)%
				     %				    %	       %
 @			   @			 %    %
	 *						 EE	    E
			    @			 %    E
	 *		     ^				E
	  *		     |	@----			      	     E
	(6)		     |	     \	    &	       E      	 E     E
   *	 *		     |*@      ------				      E
		     *  (5)  |		    \ (10)
		        *    <=========	&&   \---> --------\
		 	   *		       &	  D \
							     \ (13)  D
		     			        	      ----> D
			(4)		   &				   D
		     	*		(9)	  &	    D	  D    D
    *		    			<====================			       D
		 *				&        /-->
	      		           &                    /
				 (3)   (11)       ------
		    	    	 *---------->&   /
		        	    o	     && /
	       #			       /    &
       #     #	 #     oo         o	  (12)/	   &		 D
		    *   	   o	------  &	 P
      # 		   oo		  &
				(2)   <======&
    #	 #      	  o   o 	-------->	   P	     P
#		 #     o		   (8)	?
    #	#	    o		    *
	   #					      ?
						       ?     P	 P
	 #				 $		?	    P	 P
     o	  o    ?				     ?
  ?   ? (1)	       o	       $
	 ?					    ?	     P		P
	  ?					      ?
0,120									 120,120


In the (1) region combined Daernyithi and the Zargon ZEF-Corps was cleansing the area of hostile elements.

The (2) region was occupied and controlled by the Backfire-ShockDivision , the Alpheus-ShockDivision and..... TAM TAM TAM... again the 2nd-ShockStarDivision.

Planet (3) was a ideal standoff planet for any offensive against the eastern empires, most likely this planet would be subject of any attack. This planet was defended by the Zionaea-Division.

Planet (4) was a important key-planet regarding the operational ZOC's of the Frontline-armies. It was in fact the connection between the Northern Zargon empire and the southern part. This planet was indirectly defended by the northern ZOC (OrionBelt) and/or southern ZOC (Zionaea).

Because the Zargon forces were so largly spread throughout the Galaxy region (5) was very lightly defended, only by the 1st-ShockStarDivision which was not that strong as the crack 2nd-ShockStarDivision. Region (5) depended mostly on defences of Avalon.

In times of crisis region (5),(4) and the western (4) region, could be enforced with forces from region (6), the core-planets.

The Republic of Avalon at that time performed a quick assault on the Nebbish region (7), this quick action elimimated the Nebbish as threat.

The fall of a legend

There where some negotiations going on between the Chodish empire and the Zargon empire. We were still uncertain what exactly the Chodish would do. In the meantime the Zargon designed a plan to solve the possible Dust problem. Dust was the empire in the outmost eastern part of the Galaxy, at that time they were expanding southwards and there were plans to take planets of the Nebbish. Therefore a plan was neccesary to stop the Dust expansion towards the south, and at the same time threatening the Chodish empire from the south. Therefore the Zargon forces were planning to attack (8) just a little bit south of the Chodish.

The attack should be performed by the Alpheus-Division as main force, the frontrunner was....... yep.... the 2nd-ShockStarDivision. This division was until now engaged in every major battle, sometimes badly hurt but everytime it was reinforced, but it's main elements (MG) Badger and ADG (Hind) were always intact and still on their old tech-levels.

At the time of the attack the 2-SSD was enforced with a TG ship, but it's role as main body of an attack was sadly over.

In the early morning of the attack the 2-SSD set course towards the southern Chodish planets followed by the Alpheus-Division which was a newer division equiped with some new Brigade-MG's;

Shipwreck    16.0   1  26.0   5.0   0

(These ships are very usefull against planets which are defended by ships without the support of ADG ships.)

Anyway, while the fleets were on their way, Chodish declared war. Totally unexpected two Chodish spearheads started to emerge out of their ZOC's. The southern spearhead clashed with the advancing 2nd-ShockStarDivision , this was too much for the division and as a result it was destroyed. The northern attack spearhead was aimed at the (2) region and clashed with the Zargon ill-fated 1st-ShockStarDivision, and this division was also destroyed. And so two divisions of the early hours of the game where destroyed.

The Chodish attack

The Chodish attack did cause some panic in the Zargon HQ, because the Zargon weren't prepared yet for such an offensive. The ZEF-Corps was still in the (1) region and was quickly called back. At the same time the complete Triffid battlefleet was send to planet (4). Quickly the Avalon HQ and Zargon HQ talked about the situation and a couple of decisions were made;

The Wolf strikes

For some strange reason the northern Chodish strikefleet was send to the northern planets owned by Avalon. At that place an Avalon fleet was waiting for the Chodish fleet. The southern strikefleet was not breaking through the frontlines. Recce-actions showed that the Chodish and Dust forces were sending their fleets (9) through the center of the front towards planet (3). In fact there was no flank-protection at all. Also the Dust divisions were not operating as combined divisions.

The northern wing

This was a largely Avalonish action, first the Chodish fleet was destroyed. And then the central threat was countered by a pincer movement. The northern arm (10) was assembled out of Avalon divisions and the Zargon OrionBelt-Division. The Zargon forces were mainly for flank-protection reasons. The Avalon division stroke hard and deep into the Chodish heart, the attack was continued with a strike into the heart of the Dust empire (13). Because the Avalon strike was so quickly performed the Dust divisions were captured off-guard. In fact the main divisions were in the 'sack'.

The southern wing

On the southern front the positions were quickly enforced with divisions from the operational reserve. First the Zionaea division performed an attack (11) to from a hard shoulder for the southern offensive. Quickly the divisions were regrouped and the ZEF-Corps was taking over the (2) region and so freed the ZOC's forces for offensive operations. Quickly a strike force was created to act as the southern attack spearhead. Soon the whole southern region was filled with all sorts divisions taken each other planets. Some planets changed several times from owner. But the Zormos-Division broke through the defense (12) and join up with the Avalon forces.

The sack

This all created the Chodish/Dust sack..... the battle was won and the remain Chodish/Dust forces were destroyed. The main reason of success was the decision of attacking from the flanks while the Chodish/Dust alliance concentrated their forces in the centre, while no shoulders were build.

The End

With the removal of the Chodish and Dust empires victory was certain. Avalon forces destroyed the Piggies empire. Zargon forces attacked the Nebbish and Eudaimons and Daernyithi cleaned the whole southern Galaxy.


VP were divided as follows;

Bulletins for Galaxy Game Elric Turn 53


The End Game is HERE!!!!  Yes, after many years of long toil a group
of valiant races have finally concquered in game Elric!  If anyone
should oppose the end of game Elric, plase speak now!  Or forever
lose your place in the Galaxy Hall of Fame!  And, for those players
in game Elric, please send Email listing the members of the winning
alliance.  The game will run for one last turn (this turn) and, if no
dissenting opinion arises, will be declared over!  Congratulations
to the victors!!!

		Status of Players

N		       D     W	   S	 C	   P	     I	 #  R
Triffids	    1.20  3.12	1.86  1.00	0.00	  0.00	 0  War
Chodish 	    1.92  1.90	2.09  1.14	0.00	  0.00	 0  War
Daernyithi	    9.44  6.11	5.53  1.00  13783.49  11058.56	21  Peace
Nebbish 	    2.51  1.85	2.00  1.00   1000.00   1000.00	 1  War
Piggies 	    2.63  2.37	6.85  1.00    137.37	 16.67	 1  War
Republic_Of_Avalon  7.53  7.07	4.80  1.00   9886.79   8546.26	14  Peace
Humans		    2.79  1.00	2.00  1.00	0.00	  0.00	 0  War
Zargons 	    4.90  4.66	4.97  1.00  10382.19   8144.04	23
Eudaimons	    1.62  2.90	3.84  1.01   2000.00   2000.00	 2  War
Dust		    2.30  2.26	2.71  1.00     12.93	  3.32	 1  War
Gobi		    3.27  2.11	1.00  1.00	0.00	  0.00	 0  Peace

		Your Ship Types

N		D   A	  W	S   C
Albatros     55.0   1	4.0  29.0  10
Citadel       0.0   1  25.0  74.0   0
Tromp	     13.7   1	3.0   8.0   0
Tranx	     65.0   1	2.0  12.0  20
Sunburst      1.0   1	1.0   0.0   0
YAL_Tonner   25.0   0	0.0   2.0   6
Echo	      1.0   0	0.0   0.0   0
Brander       3.0   0	0.0   1.0   0
Flanker       1.0   1	1.0   2.0   0
Thor	     55.0   0	0.0   0.0  39
Backfire     25.0   3  15.0  22.0   0
Bezem	     27.0   4  12.0  20.0   0
Aurora	     78.0   1	1.0   2.0  13
Foxbat	      1.0   1	2.0   1.0   0
Fishbed       1.0   0	0.0   1.0   0
Blackjack    12.0   1	9.0  12.0   0
Bear	     12.2   1	3.9   9.5   0
Hokum	     17.0  17	2.0  12.0   0
Tiger	     29.0   1	2.0  68.0   0
Java_B	     43.5   1  35.0  15.5   0
Flogger       1.2   1	1.0   1.0   0
Blue_Baret    3.0   0	0.0   0.0   1
Fencer	      1.2   2	1.0   1.0   0
Foxbat_B      1.2   1	1.5   1.0   0
Shipwreck    16.0   1  26.0   5.0   0
Hind_B	     38.0  40	2.0  20.0   0
Blinder      38.0   4  17.0  18.5   0
Frogfoot      9.0   4	4.0   4.5   0
Styx	      4.0   6	1.0   3.0   0
Hokum_B      38.0  19	5.0  11.0   0
Java_C	     38.0   2  32.0  13.0   0
Foxbat_C      2.0   1	2.5   1.0   0
Fishbed_B     1.0   0	0.0   1.5   0
Fishbed_B2    1.0   0	0.0   1.5   0
Blaze	     38.0   2  26.0  22.0   0
Backfire_B   36.5   3  15.0  28.0   0
Hoax	     15.5  49	1.0   9.0   0
Sagger	      0.0   0	0.0   1.0   0
Java_Sp      38.0   1  50.0  11.0   0
Sitter	      0.0   1	1.0   0.0   0
Scud	     90.0   1  70.0  38.0   0
Hayak	     90.0  34	4.0  38.0   0
Fulcrum       1.0   0	0.0   1.2   0
Flanker_Sp    1.7   1	1.0   1.0   0
Blackjack_B  11.0   1	7.0   7.0   0
Big_Boy      83.0   1  85.0  30.0   0

		Your Planets

N		  X	  Y	   S	    P	     I	    R  P	    $	  M	  C
Zionaea       50.29   64.43  1000.00  1000.00  1000.00	10.00  Shields	 8.96  0.02   29.00
Neccoro       70.85   76.31  1000.00  1000.00	188.08	10.00  CAP	 0.00  0.00   93.01
Zalpheus      26.37   56.51  1000.00  1000.00  1000.00	10.00  Shields	 0.00  0.12   10.00
Zaffron       14.69   28.39  1000.00  1000.00  1000.00	10.00  Weapons	19.98  9.06   10.00
Zormos	       6.33   52.63  1000.00  1000.00  1000.00	10.00  Weapons	 0.00  0.48   90.00
Pud	      73.48   55.78   877.28	15.08	  5.38	 2.70  CAP	 0.00  0.00    0.00
Zorm	      36.91   50.73   528.03   528.03	528.03	 2.57  Shields	 0.00  3.30   36.96
ZEF	      30.53   76.67    42.41	42.41	 11.03	 4.23  CAP	 0.00  0.00    0.24
Zonder	      40.75   38.49   828.23   460.99	  0.19	 0.15  Weapons	 0.00  0.00    0.00
Zuiderkruis   45.08   27.22   385.36   385.36	366.46	 1.72  Shields	 0.00  0.00   40.09
Zool	      36.47   34.77    48.35	48.35	  2.02	 0.25  Echo	 0.00  0.00   10.79
Woody	      52.67   58.93   480.43   480.43	333.45	 2.07  CAP	 0.00  0.00   31.82
54	      67.66   81.20   111.14	 9.50	  0.15	 0.11  CAP	 0.00  0.00    0.00
Pecker	      66.69   64.95   430.85   163.10	  0.23	 0.22  CAP	 0.00  0.00    0.00
Wilderness    69.28   67.30   929.48	11.09	  0.25	 0.26  Drive	 0.00  0.00    0.00
Zoom	      16.31   22.09   972.71   972.71	972.08	 3.79  Drive	 0.00  1.24  123.63
Zise	       5.60   27.22   281.24   281.24	263.86	 2.73  Weapons	 0.00  2.21   85.63
Dong	      68.99   66.17   672.07   672.07	236.84	 2.67  CAP	 0.00  0.00   48.68
Zew_Zivehome  62.41  100.15   154.05	37.98	  6.78	 1.27  CAP	 0.00  0.00    0.00
ZDSB	      51.66   73.08    87.26	32.56	  1.53	 1.19  Drive	 0.00  0.00    0.00
Zandokan      14.05   12.23   146.41   146.41	146.41	 8.86  Shields	22.47  1.41   39.18
Zorro	      32.87   30.81   308.71   308.71	295.10	 1.11  Drive	 0.00  2.30   69.14
Zaxxon	      14.65   20.31   786.17   786.17	786.17	 9.42  Shields	 0.00  2.04  105.10