
by Frans Slothouber

The experimental Galaxy Game Xzone has ended after 42 violent turns.

The wining aliance:

o Olympus               Heikki Poso
o THE_UNSEEN            Jacco van Weert
o Children of Icarus    Patrick Wildenborg

Second Place:

o Angels                Mark Slobodkin

This is a record of the last three turns.... It show the angels being forced into surrender by the combined force of Olympus and the Unseen.

Turn 42

 # lt Nation              Pop   dlt    Ind   dlt   eInd   dlt tech #  dlt
 1  0 Olympus           24819  2032  23406  1638  23760  1736 1.16 95  11
 2  0 THE_UNSEEN        19534  2235  16576  1990  17315  2051 2.58 75  10
 3  1 Children_Of_Icar  12656   823  11033   700  11439   731 1.67 46   1
 4 -1 Angels             1672-11656   1086 -9748   1233-10225 0.04  8 -21
 5  0 Crippled            985  -881    985  -881    985  -881 0.00  1  -1

Turn 41

 # lt Nation              Pop   dlt    Ind   dlt   eInd   dlt tech #  dlt
 1  0 Olympus           22787  1535  21769  1172  22023  1263 1.10 84  13
 2  0 THE_UNSEEN        17299  1213  14586   940  15264  1008 0.16 65  11
 3  0 Angels            13328 -3580  10834 -2281  11458 -2606 0.88 29 -23
 4  0 Children_Of_Icar  11833   289  10334   526  10709   466 0.84 45   1
 5  0 Crippled           1866  -547   1866  -547   1866  -547 0.00  2  -1
 6  0 Terkans               0   -45      0   -45      0   -45 0.00  0  -1
 7  0 Sirenes               0     0      0     0      0     0 0.00  0   0

Turn 40

 # lt Nation              Pop   dlt    Ind   dlt   eInd   dlt tech #  dlt
 1  0 Olympus           21252   809  20597  1647  20761  1437 1.02 71   4
 2  0 THE_UNSEEN        16085   196  13646   506  14256   428 0.26 54   0
 3  0 Angels            16909   850  13116   543  14064   619 0.73 52   0
 4  0 Children_Of_Icar  11544   438   9808   672  10242   613 1.04 44   2
 5  0 Crippled           2414 -1196   2414  -886   2414  -963 0.00  3  -2
 6  0 Terkans              45 -1847     45 -1847     45 -1847 0.01  1  -4
 7  1 Sirenes               0     0      0     0      0     0 0.00  0   0

Xzone was an experimental game to test a few modifications to the standard rules of galaxy. One of the major changes was that a player bombing a planet of an ememy became the owner of that planet. (Though population and industry were reduced to 25% of their original value). The idea was that this would speed up this game. And it certainly has done so in this game.

The game started with 15 players

o Squats
o Lilliputians
o Crippled
o Terkans
o Kabbalists
o Angels
o House_Fung
o Dragon
o Flonkers
o Olympus
o Sirenes
o Mongoose
o Children_Of_Icarus
o Lab

Crippled took an early lead by taking out the Squats within the first 3 turns. Soon the other players also recognized that the new rule implied that fighting was the only way to growth and that being idle meant doom.

Making the following victims

o Lab            (turn 7)
o House of Fung  (turn 10)
o Lilliputians   (turn 11)
o Mongoose       (turn 15)
o Flonkers       (turn 18)
o Kabbalists     (turn 20)

By turn 25, 5 major powers had established themselves

1 Olympus
2 Crippled
4 Children_Of_Icarus
5 Sirenes

A major battle between the Sirenes vs Angels, Terkans, and Dragon. tipped the balance for the Sirenes, Terkans, and Dragon, and put the Angels on the top with the big ones.

During the following final turns an economic race developed. Crippled, being in second place for a long time, was taken out by the Unseen, and in the final three turns the Angels were taken out by the Unseen and Olympus (partly as a revenge for taking out the sirenes, an early ally of the Unseen).